Sunday, February 15, 2009

Good Idea: Hamster Ball

My friend, ATTJTLAS, made a great suggestion in one of the comments sections!
I am in the preliminary stages of developing some sort of sturdy human sized hamster balls.
You might think that sounds a little nuts, but I am not the first person. Here are a few examples of human sized hamster balls.
A lot of the balls that I've found are inflatable, which is really neat, but I question their durability. If they are durable, then they'd be the best choice for any long distance walking. For short distances I think I'd feel safer in something like the following;

This is a competition on American Gladiators called the Atlasphere. I know that it's just a TV show, but if you could get something like this built and have it be sturdy, I'd think you really had something. And surely you could go through a few zombies on the back roads in one of these.
The main downfall of the Atlasphere is that it's not comfortable. "If you just need to go to the barn, it'd be fine," is what ATTJTLAC says.

I'm not sure I get how this one works, but it's an idea. If it had glass over that front part it'd do.

I really like this photo. I also like the ball. I'd be a little scared if that thin piece of plastic was all that stood between me and the fields of zombies, but if it was durable you'd be hard pressed to find a better option.... except, of course, the next photo.

I think these are for a video game. It seems that the trick to all of these is finding one that's made to survive the zombie holocaust. But, as a new mother, you have to find one where you can stop and change a diaper inside of it. Also, it's got to be roomy enough for you to be running with a baby strapped on your back.
Anyhow, this is the spring board for ATTJTLAC's idea. Suggestions? Links?


All This Trouble... said...

That first photo is mesmerizing! I dare say the zombies will be dazzled if we make one of those. dazzled....ahhhhhh...that's funny...

But yes, back to the schematics. Oh and I will not wear an aqua bodysuit. I just won't.

Just me... said...

You know.. I can think of other applications (for when we live in a zombie-free land)... While being effective in keeping zombies out, might it be just as effective in keeping people in? We could use them for prisioners, miscreants and husbands.. Think about it..

LC said...

That's a clever thought. Instead of the Scarlett Letter, just give them a clear ball. They can have food rationed in, they can get fresh air, they can see the world, but they Can't rape anyone.

Oh, and in the Z world (that's what all the other blogs call the world with zombies) you have to wear bodysuits... and they'll will all most likely be aqua. Sorry for you.

not really.
not a bad idea though. Zombies have a harder time grabbing spandex.

Oh, and I thought you'd enjoy that first photo. It really is mesmerizing. In my "research" I started looking for prices on these things. The first photo; which I think is a Zorb, is around a mere $2000. Anyone want to buy one for me?

All This Trouble... said...

okay, well... I want my aqua bodysuit to say, "Chew on this, Zombie Fuckers!"

And I thnk if we pool our tax returns, we could purchase at least two of them.

Either that, or go back to Vegas.

LC said...

Well, if the desert wasn't such an awful place to be in when the zombies strike, I'd say Vegas. But zombies don't need water, and the living do. Despite what Resident Evil says, the desert won't be good.

So, bodysuits it is. I have some Iron On printable patches... so I could mock up your "Chew on this, Zombie F*$%ers!"

zipbagofbones said...

How exactly DO you get fresh air through one of these? I suppose the hamster sized balls have air holes (they must, right) so these would, too. These may have to do until we come up with some kind of force field technology that will give the same protection as an enclosed hamster ball, but will allow the person to walk on the ground, turn it on and off at will, and not have to store/maintain a giant plast ball when not in use. would you brake on hills?

All This Trouble... said...

Hills shmills. We might as well have some fun while surviving!