Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ever thought about starting a family? Use your brain, before they do.

Every bit of zombie literature I've read has delivered little or no help for the new mothers in the post zombie outbreak world. There are often either one or more pregnant women or infants in some of the stories and guides, but it seems that many of the authors take the easy out and let those characters die. I believe there is a fairly simple dual explanation for this: 1) The authors are men, and therefore see the dilemma through their perhaps more offensive (as in football, not my feelings) stance. 2) As men, they may not understand what the survival of an infant and mother would entail. For my own peace of mind I have decided to take these challenges on and lead the population of new mothers to a better understanding of the steps we will have to take to protect the fruits of our loins from the ever looming doom of zombie attacks.
Stay tuned for the answers that could save your family's lives.


zipbagofbones said...

Finally. I'll be able to sleep soundly.

LC said...

That's right. We'll be the bearers of a new generation when we're the only 3 chicks (I'm including ATTJTLAC) who survive the zombies. Woo!

Rebekah said...

This is PERFECT, Leah! The zombie apocalypse is coming, and we need to protect our sweet precious babies' brains! And, well, our own, of course. Although, I see you haven't been by here in several months. They haven't gotten you, have they?