Sunday, February 8, 2009

Crying Equals Dying

As a new mother, I fully understand that babies will cry. While the problem may seem, in our non-zombie infested world, like a mild nuisance and a communicative necessity, it is a dangerous action in a world where zombies are active. With a new baby it will be hard to muffle the screams of hunger and discomfort; which is why the act of motherhood will have to be taken a notch higher if one hopes to survive. We may not allow ourselves to lack in our mothering skills. If pregnant, read everything you can find about keeping your baby happy. Once the baby is born you will have to act with precision and expertise. Be diligent in changing diapers. Know when your baby will be hungry, and feed before they are in distress. Make your baby as comfortable as possible. Hold your baby as often as you can.
These may all seem like impossibilities with wild brain eaters abounding, but I promise you, it Can be done. I will later explain functions that can be of great assistance in these quests; such as:
  • Nesting- One must prepare a secluded location for sleeping and feeding. This will most likely be in an abandoned tree house, which must have an elevated escape route, or an attic with a like escape route.
  • Inoculation and medicine- Vaccinations must be given to your child. It may seem unnecessary in a post zombie world, but I assure you, the last thing you need in a world of zombies is a case of polio or tetanus. Learn about the doses and storage of these vaccinations and medicines, and try to obtain them from vacant hospitals or health departments.
  • OMP- "On the Move Protection," such as modified baby carriers and Kevlar clothing.
The reason crying is so dangerous is that zombies rely almost solely on hearing to locate food (us). Their eyesight becomes impaired soon after their transformation from death. They can smell, but the smell of decay; such as dirty diapers, does not attract them. The smell of milk and sweat does. Of course you don't want to live among soiled diapers, but it's not a bad idea to surround your nest with them as a mask of the life inside. You also want to line your nest with some type of soundproof insulation. Blankets, egg crate, and even mud can help protect your privacy.
Just remember, a happy baby is a quiet baby. Practice your skills and perfect them.


C.S. Perry said...

Do you lie awake at night thinking of this gibberish?

All This Trouble... said...

Yes, yes she does...then she calls me the next morning to formulate The Plan.

LC said...

You guys don't think about this stuff?

How do you plan on protecting yourselves without proper preparation? Jeeze... you've got to have a Plan.

All This Trouble... said...

By the way, we need to talk about your plan for vaccinations. YEah, I see a couple of holes in the vacant hospital plan...especially for the vaccines that must be refrigerated. And what when all the people who produce the vaccines get eaten? Those little vials only last so long. It's all about science.

LC said...

Yes, very good point. That's why I'll need a nurse to help me with the final draft of the book (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). This is the very purpose of this blog. I've got to work out all of the kinks in these theories.
So, what about coolers? What about finding some vaccines and sending them with someone who has a private jet to Antarctica... where they'll stay good. What do you think the shelf life is on a refrigerated tetanus vaccine?

zipbagofbones said...

Dry ice. Mass quantities of dry ice.

LC said...

Brilliant! Cat's coming with me when we're on the run from Zombies. I'll meet you in St.Louis. That's about halfway between Newnan and Shakopee, right? We can set up our Nest in a beer factory.

All This Trouble... said...

And you know what? We could fashion a hamster ball big enough for all of us to travel in. The zombies would be so busy laughing uncontrollably, we'd easily escape any dire situation. If we could only agree to run in the same direction...

LC said...

Great Scott! That's it, I'm drawing up the schematics for that right now.